1.Copa Higher Power Cibernetico: Gym FILL vs Gym Pantera ***
For those who don't know me well, cibernetico matches tend to be one of my personal favorites. IWRG, for all of their flaws, tends to do them pretty damn well, so when a new one turns up online I try to make sure to check it out.
This time around, Black Terry's crew takes on Pantera's kids. I was hoping +Lucha would upload the contest to their channel, but it seems a slightly clipped version would have to be good enough.
For a cibernetico, this was pretty fun. It didn't really break the mold, but I was entertained for most of the run time despite there seemingly being more sloppiness than usual. Things picked up nicely following the midway point which helped for sure. If not for the opening section and questionable closing minutes, this would have been a great overall contest.
If you've never seen IWRG before, start elsewhere (such as the amazing apuesta between Canis Lupus and Trauma I), but if you are already a fan of the promotion consider checking this one out.
*Note that the video linked above misses the finish. Lucha can be like that sometimes. You can see the conclusion here: https://youtu.be/aU_Qpsxry4A.