They have a women's side too that's fun to watch. They're only a few years old right now, but have a lot of potential. They're scheduled to play the Palestinian Women's National Team in a charity event if that's your kind of thing.
Fans are can be found all around the world, with even Samuel Fucking Jackson considering himself a supporter, but are most present in pockets in Northern Dublin. If you find yourself in the area, you can find numerous pubs and places to associate with fellow fans and ultras and I guarantee you will walk away with new pals.
Our major rivals are the dirty elitist bastards of South Dublin; The Shitstain Rovers. Shelbourne are a neighboring club with a lot of Southern fans that we have derby with, but it doesn't have the same energy. Fuck ‘em, too, though.
Many teams have ultras groups with political leanings while the club themselves largely remain silent on most topics. The Bohs, instead, wear jerseys embracing refugees and schedule games like the one in support of a free Palestine that I mentioned a moment ago. They have a fan owned thing going, for those that love such things, too. If you buy in, you get a chance to tell the club how you want things done. This move actually helped save the team when Irish football was in dire straits a few years back and just helped further encourage fans to embrace the team.
So, if you are seeking a club that embraces their fans in every manner possible, doesn't shy away from politics, and loves to win, look no further!
The following is an excerpt from my new mini-book, Celtic Pride & Socialism Through Football. Release info coming soon!