Here, you sickos! Check out the corpse of Digest 151 so you can have something to gawk at.

My vehicle has decided it hates me this month and once again and it feels like I'm in the heart of yet another wave on downward luck as the universe's sick game continues. A morphing of what RW+B and The Update are is occurring as we speak, too. The RW+B Collective wants this to be a site, and a brand, that visitors can bookmark and frequently check out. We want each time you head here to be an interesting experience, full of select sports coverage, thoughts on the insane world of pro-wrestling, populist political takes, and more. Please consider helping to keep this place alive if you can!

Anyway, do you want to see what had been finished? Here. There was a real shell there. Notepad additions as well as Collective email and Messenger replies, etc. aren't included. I am hopeful there is some entertainment to be had here, even if it's to mock the failed attempt.

Thanks for reading, as always.

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