Site schedule plan for end Summer through Fall 2023

Mondays- Red's Record of the Week

A look at an awesome album worth giving a spin.

Tuesdays- Red's Pro-Wrestling Digest 

Issues of the Digest focus on reviewing contests, dropping some leaks, and more. Extra editions to be posted as made.

Wednesdays- The Pro-Wrestling Playlist

New content added to The Playlist to check out.

Thursdays- BOUT BLITZ

Catch up on the week before with the best of the best.

Fridays- Late Night Snack

Catch a movie, eat something awesome, and have a chill evening.

Saturdays- Saturday Night Slam Masters

Take a trip to the past and watch some gems.

Content might be skipped occasionally if my nemesis, Time, pops up. My other enemies, Kidney Stone, Sleep Deprivation, etc. can also cause delays. Still, hopefully there will be plenty of fun stuff for visitors to enjoy and I appreciate any and all time you give.