We are STARDOM!! #117 Review

  1. Future of STARDOM Title: Hanan(c) vs Kohgo ***
  2. High Speed Title: Starlight Kid(c) vs AZM ****1/2


We're back for the latest edition of my favorite weekly wrestling show, We are STARDOM!! and we have yet another must-see half hour of joshi excellence.

We opened with a good Future of STARDOM defense, with Hanan putting in for a decent showing against Momo Kohgo. While this one was far from must-see TV, it still made for a nicely paced launching point.

Most important this installment was the main event, though.

Starlight Kid and AZM's performance was top shelf quality stuff, with the champ falling to the fighting spirit of a challenger that stepped up big. They kept a breakneck pace and push the action and drama heavily, making for a dramatic back and forth that felt far shorter than it truly was.

In short, it was a MOTYC that overdelivered on already high expectations.

And, in summary, this week's episode provided for 30-minutes of just about everything I want from a wrestling program. I appreciated the quality of in-ring content and the drama and excitement attached. There's not much more I can ask for than that.

Click play above and see another example of why We are STARDOM!! is my favorite wrestling series.

Overall Rating: 85/100%

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