We are STARDOM!! #112 Review


  1. Donna del Mondo vs Cosmic Angels ***
  2. Momo vs AZM ***1/4
  3. Goddesses of STARDOM Title: Donna del Mondo(c) vs STARS ***1/2


The first match of this edition saw Giulia introduce two new members to her unit in the form of Thelka and MIRAI. Outside of that, we also had a fun Giulia/Tam section and the additions came off well. Good shit to kick us off.

Next, we had a fairly good singles match between AZM and MW, with Oedo Tai providing some assistance of course. The ref stopped this one following a sick kick to the face, with a wrench thrown in for good measure. This was more building block, throwaway stuff than a huge main event style singles epic, but worked well for what it was regardless.

We capped things off with STARS taking the Goddesses straps. I was a tad surprised to see Hazuki and Koguma dethrone Syuri and Giulia, even via protected flashpin, but the good news is this was a pretty enjoyable endcap to the episode if nothing else. Admittedly the new champs are a major downgrade, though.

You could skip this one if you're not super attached to the promotion (via this ongoing series vs being caught up through their streaming service), but I honestly thought it was a fun 30-minute sprint of entertainment like it is most weeks. Consider it, at the very least.

Overall Rating: 75/100%

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