AEW Rampage: Slam Dunk Review


1.Adam Cole vs Ten ***

2.Dante Martin vs Powerhouse Hobbs **3/4

3.Serena Deeb vs Angelica Risk NR

4.Jay White vs Trent? ***1/2


Rampage continues to be a breeze to watch. It doesn't feature much in the way of MOTYC level encounters, but is more about serving as a quick spark of pro wrestling.

Ten looked great in defeat and Cole had to resort to shit heel tactics, which admittedly was a bit of a put off. Good stuff overall either way as Adam continues his route to Page. reDRagon joined him on the ramp after.

Dante lost an okay one to Hobbs. Admittedly the angle with Dante and Team Taz felt like it failed to land properly and I found this one to have underdelivered, too.

Deeb continues to school rookies. I dig her spot right now, but wonder what the endgame is.

Jade and Bunny are set to meet.

Lastly, White debuted in-ring for AEW and had a borderline great main event with Barretta. The latter has been arguably better than ever since returning and White is, well honestly one of the most underrated workers in the world.

Some tensions between Orange and White close us out.

Yeah, like I said at the top, Rampage is a fun show and arguably better than Dynamite some weeks. I enjoyed this one for what it was and recommend it to anyone wanting something that goes down easy.

Overall Rating: 75/100%

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