1.CCW Tag Titles: South American Alliance(c) vs Resident Scumbags *1/4
2.Moose vs Cha Cha Charlie **3/4
Bianca Carelli, Santino Marella's daughter, kicked off the episode with a backstage promo bragging about a recent victory and promising more to come.
After a decent show intro, we saw the opening match start with a large brawl. Bill Alfonso is the manager for SAA. It didn't last very long, never kicked fully out of first gear, and ended in DQ. The belts were stolen after.
Christi Jaynes promoted herself and an upcoming match with Senegal in a video recorded from her cubicle.
The main event saw Moose against WWC's Cha Cha Charlie. Props to the fans for clearly being legit fans of this product. This was a pretty solid main event for the episode that flowed well, had decent action, and saw the right dude win.
Moose and Cage is promoted as a future match for CCW.
I checked this show out on a whim. It was okay. If you've ever been to an mid-level indie show in the United States, you have an idea of what to expect here. That's not really a knock, for the record. There's a charm to these kinds of shows and I at least give CCW props for doing what so many others at their level refuse to do seeing as they have enough brains to air content on YouTube. So, if you're craving that feeling you can only get from American indie gigs, give this one a look. I'll keep an eye out and might return again one day.
Overall Rating: 60/100%