We are STARDOM!! #51 Review


1.Future of STARDOM Title: Maika(c) vs Iida ***

2.High Speed Title: AZM(c) vs Gokigen Death ***

3.Momo vs Himeka ***

4.SWA Undisputed Title: Bea(c) vs Syuri ***1/4


Has Iida's left pointer finger always been so fucked up? Either way the opener this week was pretty fitting of the word, "future". Why was Riho booked so strangely in STARDOM? Gokigen is the one clown I actually like. Momo is always amazing. Bea's booking has also been strange of late. 

That's the random thoughts I had during this one. Nothing must-see here but a very breezy episode nonetheless.

Overall Ratings: 70/100%

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