We are STARDOM #13 Review

1.Queen's Quest(Momo,Utami) vs Oedo Tai(Bea,Hayter) ***
2.Jungle, Hoshino vs Onozaki, Lida NR
3.Future of STARDOM Title: Utami(c) vs Kamitani ***1/2

This week's edition started in the heat of the battle and focused largely on Bea versus Momo. It was all action with a few nice nearfalls but was also very short. It might not have enough meat for some and was just a bit outside of recommendation levels for me. Note that the full match was about 12 minutes according to Cagematch, but they only aired about 4.

Highlights followed for a tag match featuring my daughter's third favorite wrestler. It looked decent and just happened to be a sendoff for Leo. Wishing her the best!

The main attraction this week was Utami defending the Future of STARDOM Championship. Saya worked the champ's leg pretty well and actually played from on top for a majority before Utami got a comeback stretch and took her out. I enjoyed this pretty well and it certainly closed the show on a nice note.

After, Utami dropped the title because she's not a rookie any longer. Then, Utami tried to get a new member for Queen's Quest in Kamitani. Drama between Saya and Hoshino closed things.

We are STARDOM packs a lot of action in each episode. Make sure you aren't skipping these!!!

Overall Rating: 75/100%