Being the Elite #186 Thoughts

The Bucks with a cold open referencing their split from Twitter while taking a piss on armchair bookers. It's raining, folks. Then, they attend a Grizzlies game and superkicks are thrown.

A visit to Graceland sees no superkicks, which feels like a wasted opportunity.

Memphis legend, Lanny Poffo is seen breaking up a MK session and then another legend tells Page to ease up on the drinks. Valiant's words came off as sobering and real. Good stuff there, to be honest. I wish I could have gotten through to my mom on that subject.

Orange booped Kris. Cute stuff, to say the least.

Omega tries to chat with Page, too. Nakazawa teases joining the Dark Order. Cutler is also possible. I loved the SSB but still think they are thudding too much with the Dark Order and need to change this up instead of pushing forward on it.

Short, solid entertainment.

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