Time to catch up on one of my favorite weekly shows. Let's just get through the two I missed at the same time...
In Strong Hearts news, El Lindaman, in OWE tights, picked up a solo win, and T-Hawk did some spanking and then helped lead his trio to a six-man win. Inaba and Doi picked up a huge tournament victory over Soya and Kondo and the Tag Champs, Enfants Terribles (Ashino and Kodama) won a tournament main event. That last one looked like the MOTN.
The second night showcased here saw Dupree and Kuma beat El Lindaman and Seiki and then Irie and T-Hawk beat Pegaso and Tonsho, with the Strong Hearts breaking even in tournament matches for the evening. Both looked decent.
Neither of these were really must-see episodes for anyone that isn't hooked on the brand. That said, I still hope you watch at least some content from the company this week. They are easily a top three underrated fed and I continue to enjoy even their b-show episodes.