War of the Realms #1 Review

War Of The Realms (2019-): Chapter 1 - Page 1
I've seen Jason Aaron, writer of this event, call this Lord of the Rings set in Manhattan. He's nailed that description perfectly. I've spent the past few weeks catching up in time, getting pretty excited as the day neared for the debut issue release. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have high expectations. Seeing the cast listed out in the opening pages further built my own hype, and luckily #1 of this major event paid off nicely.

The key to a good comic event is making it feel like a summer blockbuster and that's what we have here with the first chapter of War of the Realms. Fun, action-packed drama and great art kick the start of War of the Realms on a high-note. The story is newcomer friendly enough that I'm sure anyone with basic knowledge of Marvel could jump right in, by the way.

I've been building this one up for a while now in the blog and I encourage you to pick this one up at your local comic shop or on ComiXology.

Rating: ***1/2