Select Match Reviews: United for a House Show...

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Matches from Impact Wrestling United We Stand
1.Ultimate X ***1/4
2.Lucha Underground vs Impact **1/4
3.X-Division Title: Swann(c) vs Flamita **3/4
4.Monster's Ball: Callihan vs Havoc ***
5.Impact Tag Titles: Lucha Bros(c) vs RVD, Sabu **

The Ultimate X match was a fairly good addition to the lineage of the gimmick. Johnny gaining a shot at the X-Division strap seems like a bad call when so many of the other talents involved could have used this push.

The brand warfare match had some decent moments, but was far too sloppy in the midsection to be anything special. It sucks, too, since this might be the last thing to carry that Lucha Underground brand name on it. Skip that one, sadly.

The X-Division match lacked the proper level of urgency in relation to the amount of time they were given. I  did enjoy seeing Flamita get the chance, with the whole Dragon Gate issue, here. That's something, at least. If they sign him, I do fear that will officially kill Mexablood, though.

The hardcore match was good, but I will say that the weapon rumble from the DDT show was much better. This kind of felt like an it could be called Deathmatches for Beginners. They played the hits, and it was a fun for what it was, but it wasn't anything special.

Speaking of playing the hits...

The main event was a novelty match, as expected. Decent stuff, as long as you knew what you'd be getting considering the circumstances, but only truly worth considering if you were an ECW kid growing up.

Impact basically gave us a house show event here. Move along.