MLW Intimidation Games Review

1.Lucha Bros vs Team AAA ***1/2
2.MLW Title,Cage: Lawlor(c) vs Low Ki ***

Starting the episode with an announcement of Cornette joining the staff was one hell of an interesting starting point. After a very disappointing set of tapings that just ended last week, I was really cautious heading into this one. If this set of tapings is as average as the last, I likely won't be watching weekly any longer. Let's dig in.

Our first match saw AAA representatives, Taurus and Laredo Kid, taking on the Lucha Bros. Taurus and Laredo had a killer singles match a few weeks ago that you should go check out. Also, I love Pentagon and Fenix's new entrance gear. While the last few weeks have been disappointing, they started this set off strong. If you are looking for a lucha fix, this will easily fulfill your needs. Very good match with only a few small issues.

Money was thrown in after.

Hart segment after. Pillman had one of the tag belts. Freebird rules! That's best for business. They teased a six-man championship coming to MLW soon. I love that idea and hope that actually happens.

Minoru Tanaka being announced was very exciting, followed by a few decent segments.

Our main event was a rematch of Lawlor versus Low Ki. Sadly, their original title match left a lot to be desired. I liked the aggression here, even if it still wasn't at the level I would have hoped. Low Ki had one hell of an entertaining run. I fear that he'll dip soon unless he is kept near the top of the card since that is a tendency of his, but it is what it is. Lawlor has a lot of potential, at least. I look forward to seeing how his reign turns out.

Another Contra glitch tease took place across the episode before the new group debuted and destroyed the retaining champ. The cage dive was sweet.

Two enjoyable contests and a killer crowd. This is the MLW that I've been missing for a month. Check this one out.

Overall Rating: 70/100%

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