Lucha Underground Releases King Cuerno, Ivelisse, More

lucha underground
Lucha Underground was the target of some bad publicity recently when it came out that they were being sued by a handful of talents. It is now being reported that the show has granted the release of King Cuerno/Hijo Fantasma (who also has left AAA), Ivelisse, Kobra Moon/Thunder Rosa, and Joey Ryan.

“I’m honored to say that we received 100% of the relief that we were suing to obtain and four young talented wrestlers are no longer bound by an unfair contract that prohibits them from taking full advantage of their talents at the prime of their career,” said attorney Andre Verdun, who represented the talent in these cases. “I wish them all the best of luck.”

It's hard not to see this as further proof that there will not be another season, but they had a good run all things considered.

Thanks for the memories, Lucha Underground.