Select Match Reviews: Catch Point on NXT TV

Matches from NXT 02/06/2019
1.Gulak vs Bugenhagen NR
2.Riddle vs Gulak ***1/4

I don't watch NXT every week, but when I heard Drew Gulak is on the show there's a good chance that I'll be watching.

Up first, we had a squash match between the technical master and a very energetic Bugenhagen. The fans are behind the ecentric worker, of course. Adam Rose, No Way Jose, Eric Bugenhagen. 

We finish things up here with the real reason I pulled these two matches. Gulak taking on the new hot toy of NXT, Matt Riddle, was a fun match and a nice callback. The last time, and only other time, that these two faced off one on one was back in 2015 in an EVOLVE ring.

The Catchpoint reference after was especially nice and makes me hope we see a revival in NXT.

Moderate recommendation, especially if you enjoy technical wrestling