Thank You | Please Read

Thank you for all that supported RWplusB through the years. We appreciate every view we got and every bit of constructive criticism along the way. It's been a lot of fucking fun! 

Still, we've tried to be a workhorse site but the horse is beaten and near death and it is time to go.

The economic pressure on us, as well as the way it has dried up any form of donation flow. The suppression by multiple platforms that has, at times, completely silenced us; taking us from thorn to splinter to...itch at best. The reasons are plenty to be honest, but they've added up nonetheless and it's time to make a choice.

The mountain isn't always something to be conquered and sadly it appears time to walk back down.

The social media platforms will be going offline/inactive. Many already are. This site itself will likely just enter a sleep mode of sorts with no further activity.

Be kind to yourself and others.


-R. Wood