Week of 07/21-07/27
The show is still finding a new groove since the shakeup, but Gulak as champ is awesome and this match was truly great. I hope the former Shane Strickland gets more 205 matches after this one, because he'd be a great addition to the roster. This was a great main event and one of the best matches of the week.
They played the hits here and put in for a pretty good tag match. The commentary sucked, as usual, but mute fixed that. This worked well as a good introduction to US fans that likely have no idea who the Wagner family are so that's worth something if nothing else and Court got a clean finish out of them, which is rare. I'm surprised at that, though. Make sure to join my group, PWD, to join the discussion on the Park incident from Defy and check this match out if you want to see the debut of the Wagner family on MLW.
3.Four Corner Survival: Castle vs Cobb vs Gresham vs King **3/4
You can safely skip the match but it's worth knowing why I watched it. The match wasn't bad, but far from must-see but Gresham is not only an awesome guy who I'll always put over, but also one of the best technical wrestlers in the world and a guy I've been dying to see get better treatment in ROH. I liked the team with Lethal, but this one seems like a set up for something bigger. I saw the segment after with him and Jay, and it further cemented that feeling. With Juice MIA, I'd love having Lethal join Lifeblood and Gresham take over for Scurll when he leaves ROH. I have no idea what the real plan is, but if it ends with Gresham being a true main event name for the company, I'm all in.
4.Street Fight: VE vs Lifeblood ****1/4
This was fucking awesome! Lifeblood finally win a relevant match, the violence was top notch, and Bandido pinned Scurll clean. Without a doubt, this was truly fantastic and the best ROH match of the year. Just go out of your way to see this, NOW!
You can safely skip the match but it's worth knowing why I watched it. The match wasn't bad, but far from must-see but Gresham is not only an awesome guy who I'll always put over, but also one of the best technical wrestlers in the world and a guy I've been dying to see get better treatment in ROH. I liked the team with Lethal, but this one seems like a set up for something bigger. I saw the segment after with him and Jay, and it further cemented that feeling. With Juice MIA, I'd love having Lethal join Lifeblood and Gresham take over for Scurll when he leaves ROH. I have no idea what the real plan is, but if it ends with Gresham being a true main event name for the company, I'm all in.
4.Street Fight: VE vs Lifeblood ****1/4
This was fucking awesome! Lifeblood finally win a relevant match, the violence was top notch, and Bandido pinned Scurll clean. Without a doubt, this was truly fantastic and the best ROH match of the year. Just go out of your way to see this, NOW!
5.WALTER vs Seven ***3/4
Great match that told a great story. I was afraid a shit finish was about to screw this one up like they're prone to doing on the show, but they went a different direction and I loved it. This almost hit TakeOver levels, so give it a view.
Great match that told a great story. I was afraid a shit finish was about to screw this one up like they're prone to doing on the show, but they went a different direction and I loved it. This almost hit TakeOver levels, so give it a view.